Call 1-800-992-3808, or by using the card management function on The Peoples Bank App.

If you are having trouble logging into your online banking, click on forgot password, which is located under the log-in box. If your account is locked, call your local branch and we’ll be glad to help. Find your closest branch’s hours and address here.

If you receive a call from the Fraud Department about a transaction and they leave a claim number, you can call 1-800-262-2024.

For transactions over $50, contact 1-844-202-5070.

For debit card transactions $50 or less, contact your local branch. Find your closest branch’s hours and address here.

For ACH transactions of any amount, contact your local branch.

If your card has an expiration date coming up soon, you can use it until the end of the month listed on the card. A new debit card will be mailed to you by the end of the month. For example, if your card expires 1/24, you can use it until the end of January 2024.

If your debit card is lost or stolen, please call 1-800-472-3272. You can also put a block on your card using the card management function on The Peoples Bank App.

Don’t Be a Victim of Fraud: Outsmart the Scammers

Criminals are becoming even more creative.  Many fraudsters quickly change and adapt their tactics as consumers become savvier about common scams.  The following government websites provide up-to-date information on Customer Fraud:

A Few Things We Think You Should Know

  • Never share your Online Banking Access ID and Password.
  • Never share a One-Time Password (OTP) with anyone, and make sure any OTP you use is one you have generated yourself, directly through a company’s website or app.
  • Make sure to type in the URL when accessing any digital content.
  • Never click on any unverified link.
  • Only scan QR codes that you know are legitimate.
  • Do not store any passwords on your phone.
  • Do not use public computers to access personal accounts.
  • Never send personal information over text message or email, especially to unknown or unverified senders.
  • Routinely check your accounts for suspicious activity.
  • Caller ID is not to be trusted.

As always, if you feel you have been a victim of fraud or suspect that an attempt has been made to steal your personal information, contact us immediately.

Trends in Cyber Fraud

As new technologies evolve, so do the attempts to gain your personal information. And while thieves are undiscriminating in who they gain personal information from, they have distinct ways through which they deceive people. Some common schemes include tech support scams, fake family emergencies, and messages that try to trick you into clicking a link or opening an attachment. Being aware of plots like these could make all the difference.

 Cyber thieves target senior adults more than any other demographic. Their efforts have become increasingly more aggressive and convincing.  According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s latest Elder Fraud Report, elder fraud continues to rise every year, as more and more retirees lose their hard-earned nest egg to scammers. Stay vigilant and don’t let yourself become one of them!